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  • Adhd Awareness Month
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    Adhd Awareness Month

    Dr. Samir ParikhOct 26, 2016
  • Global Dignity Day
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    Global Dignity Day

    Dr. Samir ParikhOct 21, 2016
  • Bullying: The Hazard It Presents In Schools And Safeguarding Against It
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    Bullying: The Hazard It Presents In Schools And Safeguarding Against It

    adminOct 20, 2016
  • Ocd Awareness Week
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    Ocd Awareness Week

    Dr. Samir ParikhOct 13, 2016
  • World Mental Health Day
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    World Mental Health Day

    Dr. Samir ParikhOct 10, 2016
  • World Teacher?S Day
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    World Teacher?S Day

    Dr. Samir ParikhOct 05, 2016
  • International Day For Elderly
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    International Day For Elderly

    Dr. Samir ParikhJun 25, 2024
  • World Alzheimer?S Day
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    World Alzheimer?S Day

    Dr. Samir ParikhSep 21, 2016
  • Day For Peace And Non-Violence
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    Day For Peace And Non-Violence

    Dr. Samir ParikhSep 21, 2016
  • When Violence Surrounds Us: Understanding The Psychology of Trauma
    Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

    When Violence Surrounds Us: Understanding The Psychology of Trauma

    adminSep 19, 2016


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