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Is It bad to exercise on an empty stomach: For weight loss or training for sports, should one fast before race

Is It bad to exercise on an empty stomach: For weight loss or training for sports, should one fast before race

Is It bad to exercise on an empty stomach: For weight loss or training for sports, should one fast before race Sep 14, 2023

When you exercise, the muscles producing your movements call on your heart for extra blood. At rest, to facilitate this change, your body constricts and dilates your blood vessels. The vessels to the unnecessary systems for exercise such as digestion, urination and reproduction are constricted, limiting the amount of blood to these organs. If you eat right before exercise, your digestive organs and your skeletal muscles fight for blood flow, making exercise more difficult to perform.

Eating right before exercise can also inhibit your body's ability to use fat for energy during activity. Exercising with minimal food inside your stomach makes for the perfect combination of hormones inside your body. Your body releases adrenaline and suppresses insulin. Insulin is a hormone that prompts your body to store nutrients. Without insulin circulating in your blood, your muscles are readily available to break down and use fatty acids.

What should you eat before your workout?

 -  Cereal with Skimmed Milk

 -  Banana

 -  Oats

 -  Nuts

 -  Fruit Smoothies

 -  Eggs

 -  Yogurt with fruits

If you are diabetic don’t do strenuous physical activity empty stomach that can lead to low sugar levels and followed by unconsciousness and uncomfortableness, or low blood pressure.

Type of exercise also depends on intake of food, if young person is doing light physical activity without food it doesn’t harm their body. Strenuous exercise needs more fuel for the body, so two hours before running is the right time to eat before running but heavy meals are not recommended. A good balance diet is necessary to preform good.

Some studies show that people who don’t eat meal burn more calories, as they burn more fat. 



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