Why 'Miracle Diets' are a myth - Social Media Diet
It is important to understand that ‘Miracle Diet’ is a myth. One diet plan cannot be applicable for all; every person differs physically, medically, genetically, lifestyle-wise, work-wise and with their eating habits. Every individual has different set of requirements and that is how the diet plan should be curated. There can be common ground rules, but tailoring will always be required as per the individual’s requirements. ‘Social Media Diets’ are promoted by celebrities who are not qualified enough to advise such lifestyle modifications. It may have worked for them but may not necessarily work for everybody.
Alongside the diet, there may be other factors that worked for these celebrities like personal trainers, cosmetic interventions, genetics, etc., which are not considered when they make such promotions. Also, products that claim ‘miracle weight loss’ are not exactly healthy alternatives, and are not backed with sufficient research data.
The younger generation are most easily influenced by such claims and products. It is important to discourage and restrict such concepts of diet and products that make false claims, leading to deprivation of essential nutrients amongst the younger generations.
Another point to consider would be the fact that even if followed, these miracle diets and products have a short term drastic efficacy. Continuing them will lead to nutritient deprivation and discontinuing them will get one back to the previous stage or may aggravate the problem, as the yo-yoing weight will make it very difficult to achieve desirable results even with the right interventions are applied.
Negative effects of the miracle diet:
Negative effects of these miracles diets would include
- Low Calcium intake, Iron deficiency, low Protein intake that will lead to muscle loss/ muscle wasting, reduced immunity, and other macro/ micro nutrient deficiency
- Miracle weight loss products like weight-loss teas, meal replacers, energy bars, supplements like capsules and drinks are available in the market and easily accessible over the counter!
What to do?
Not all of these products are harmful; some of them can be used after they have been vetted by qualified Dietician, and is coupled with the right dietary intervention under supervision. First step should be to discourage the concept of slim and thin body types as desirable, and promote the concept of healthy and fit body types. Responsible adults and celebrities can also play an important role and promote healthy and fit as ‘desirable lifestyle adaptations’. Most essential point to consider here would be to seek advice/ intervention from a qualified registered Dietitian to achieve the desirable fitness goals without compromising on the nutrition, and to enjoy long lasting results.