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Dr. Megha Pruthi
  • Support Specialties | Pain Management
  • Pain and Palliative Medicine | Pain and Palliative Medicine
  • Palliative Medicine | Palliative Medicine
  • 11 YearsExperience
  • 1800Fees
about About
Dr Megha Pruthi is a highly applauded chronic pain and palliative medicine physician working as Additional Director and Head, Pain and Palliative Medicine services. She assesses and treats a wide spectrum of pain conditions and has over 11+ years of experience working as a chroni...
Dr Megha Pruthi is a highly applauded chronic pain and palliative medicine physician working as Additional Director and Head, Pain and Palliative Medicine services. She assesses and treats a wide spectrum of pain conditions and has over 11+ years of experience working as a chronic pain and palliative medicine consultant in renowned hospitals. Dr. Megha is a compassionate physician who understands the ‘Pain’ of her patients and their family members and leaves no stone unturned to provide the latest evidence-based treatment to relieve their suffering. She is a firm believer in multidisciplinary approach and believes that no chronic pain and palliative medicine consultation is complete without understanding the psychological, social and spiritual aspects of the pain and hence she strives to provide holistic care with impeccable assessment, management and honest communication. She has a special interest in cancer pain, spine pain (low back, cervical/neck pain), refractory pain (pain not being relieved with other modalities), complex symptom management, end of life care, interventional pain management (ultrasound and C arm guided pain interventions/ nerve blocks). Dr Megha is a passionate teacher and commits herself to be a part of faculty in various national and international conferences, workshops and symposiums. She is Honorary tutor, Palliative Medicine, School of medicine, Cardiff University, United Kingdom. She has special interest in research work related to development, validation and cross-cultural adaptation of questionnaires.
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